Angela joined our box just about a year ago and has been attending our classes regularly ever since. We’ve been able to watch her progress over the last year and it’s been inspiring!
We took a few moments to interview Angela to find out why she chose CrossFit and what’s kept her coming back day in and day out.
Keep reading to see what she had to say!

Why do you do CrossFit?
“I do CrossFit not only to get into better shape, but it’s also good for my mental health. With the hustle and bustle of work, non-stop running with the kids, and running a household, it’s a much needed 1-hour break, physically and mentally.”
Why do you do CrossFit at our gym?
“I love the positive atmosphere and encouraging feedback. Everyone is there for the same reason: to get in shape (or stay in shape), and to feel better overall. The coaching staff is amazing. They do a great job making sure your form and techniques are correct to maximize results. I look forward to working out with my gym family during the week. Going to the gym is my outlet and is now a part of my weekly routine.”
What were you most afraid of when you first joined our gym?
“I was worried about not being in good enough shape to keep up with everyone. I was worried about being judged for being too slow. I quickly learned that everyone at our gym is extremely kind and encouraging, and genuinely wants to see you succeed.”
What were you looking for in a gym?
“I honestly didn’t know what I was looking for prior to becoming a member. What I can confirm is finding this gym is what was missing in my life. I didn’t realize that until after I signed up.”
What one thing got you to take the initial leap and sign up?
“My friend mentioned that a new gym had opened up right off the Center Exit. I was ready to get into shape and tone up, so I thought, why not give it a shot?”

What were your primary goals when you first started?
“My initial goal was just to tone up.”
What was your biggest challenge keeping you from achieving those goals?
“I was afraid to push myself too much at first because I didn’t realize what my body was capable of. How quickly you gain strength and stamina when working out consistently is truly amazing.”
Did you try anything in the past to achieve your goals that didn’t work?
“I’ve tried working out at home in the past and was unsuccessful because I need to be pushed with live instruction.”
What are your goals now?
“My goals now are to continue to get stronger, more fit, and continue to beat PR’s (personal records).”
What is your favorite thing about CrossFit Artifact?
“I love the fact that the workout is different each time. I get bored easily with monotonous routines, so CrossFit is a great fit for me.”
What is your favorite lift OR what has been your favorite workout?
“My favorite lift is the deadlift!”
What was the most rewarding moment you’ve experienced at the gym?
“My favorite moments are when Dana and I push each other to lift heavy weights that seem unattainable, but I’m somehow able to do the unimaginable when she is there to encourage me. ☺️”

We are so thankful Angela took that initial leap to show up and work out with us! She’s an encouragement to the other athletes in class because she never gives up.
Whether you’re an experienced athlete or a complete beginner, CrossFit is for YOU! You’ll surprise yourself with how much you’re truly capable of!