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One of our favorite things to do is sit down with our athletes and find out why they love CrossFit, but we like to dive a little deeper and see why they love working out at CrossFit Artifact.

We had the opportunity to chat with Morgan about why she does CrossFit, what she loves about it, and why she chose CrossFit Artifact as her home gym.

Keep reading to get the inside scoop!

You’ve been a CrossFit athlete for a little while now. What initially made you try CrossFit? 

I initially started in August 2019 when I got back from a family vacation. I was in so few pictures and was unhappy with what I saw in the few I was in. My husband had already been doing CrossFit for a while and I knew it was time to make a change.   

Has CrossFit been what you expected it to be? Why or why not? 

CrossFit has exceeded my expectations. I love coming in every day with like-minded people, challenging myself and competing against yesterday’s version of me. It’s the only workout regimen I’ve been able to maintain.

What attracted you to our gym? 

Location and the family- we liked the atmosphere on the social media page, which is what helped us choose Artifact.

Having been in the gym for some time, did you have any concerns or fears when you arrived for your first class? 

I was so nervous about fitting in. My concerns were quickly eased after the Artifact welcome! I knew the goal was to have fun and break a sweat!

How did you feel about everything after that initial class? 

Wonderful, I knew we had found our new gym home.

You’ve been dedicated to living a healthy lifestyle. What keeps you motivated? 

Setting a good example for our kids, growing old with my husband, and genetics!  

What were your goals when you first started at CrossFit Artifact? Are they different now? If so, why? 

My main goal was to stay open-minded. It’s generally the same now but more so focused on being open-minded to new and more efficient ways of doing things. Like hook gripping for example! (we’re so glad you’re on board with the hook grip! 🥳)

Speaking of goals, what are you most proud of achieving? Do you have any goals you’re working toward this year? 

In my five-ish months at Artifact, I’m so proud to be pulling all of my lifts from the ground and hook gripping. Goals inside the gym are barbell related and fine tuning each lift to maximize power. Outside of the gym my goals remain focused on mental toughness and nutrition.

How has CrossFit positively affected your life outside the gym? If you have a specific example, share! 

The positive impact is amazing! From my knee pain being more manageable to the mental clarity. The gym truly is the best hour of my day.

What is your favorite thing about CrossFit Artifact? 

The people!

What is your favorite lift? 

Deadlift!! Snatches are a close second.  

How about your favorite workout? Why? 

Death Row is fun! 20 min EMOM- Odd minutes- 20 cal row, Even minutes- 15 burpees. It takes you to that dark place!

What was the most rewarding moment you’ve experienced at the gym so far? 

PR’d my Deadlift at 310#

What would you tell someone who was considering trying CrossFit but was apprehensive? 

Get out of your own way and just walk through the doors. That’s truly the hardest part. Once you’re inside, the coach and members will take it from there.  

Is there anything else you’d like to add about your experience at CrossFit Artifact?

I love it here!

Many thanks to Morgan for taking time to give us some insight into her fitness journey at CrossFit Artifact. Morgan is an asset to our gym family and brings incredible energy to every class she attends!

If you’re on the fence about trying CrossFit, as Morgan stated, “Get out of your own way and just walk through the doors!” Our coaching staff will take care of the rest, and our athletes will meet you with encouragement and support! The hardest part is getting started, but there’s nothing better you can do for your health and there’s no better time than right now!

Give one of our many CrossFit classes a try for free. You’ll be an instant part of the family!

We can’t wait to see you here!

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