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One of our favorite things to blog about are our athlete spotlights. It’s so awesome to get to chat with our members and find out what brought them into the gym and what keeps them coming back.

It was no different when interviewing our Athlete Spotlight this month! Rachel is one of our founding members, having attended class on our opening day and continues to attend at least five times per week.

We were eager to “sit down” with Rachel and get the inside scoop on her CrossFit journey!

What made you decide to try CrossFit?

“Back in 2018 I randomly watched a CrossFit documentary that was being advertised on Netflix. I was mesmorized and started to incorporate CrossFit style workouts into my routine. It was so challenging and unlike anything I had ever done before and that’s what got me hooked.”

Why do you do CrossFit at our gym?

“I had been doing CrossFit on my own for some time and had plateaued. I knew I needed a place to go and instruction to progress. When I saw Artifact opening close to my house I knew it would be the perfect place to start. The workouts, people, and coaching keep me coming back everyday.” 

 What were you most afraid of when you first joined our gym?

“I was nervous about fitting in. I know that community is a huge part of CrossFit and felt like I wouldn’t be accepted into certain gyms’ ‘families’. All my fears vanished after the first class here.” 

What were you looking for in a gym?

“I was looking for somewhere to be able to get better and work out the way CrossFit was intended. I was tired of trying to adapt everything and wanted to be able to work out without any limitations.”

What one thing got you to take the initial leap and sign up?

“I was getting more and more frustrated with trying to adapt the CrossFit workouts I was doing at a ‘regular’ gym. I’d been researching CrossFit gyms in the area for a long time and didn’t see any that seemed like they would work for me. When I saw Artifact was opening, I knew it was meant to be.” 

What were your primary goals when you first started?

“My goals were all fitness related and were to mainly be able to complete certain gymnastic movements or Olympic lifts.” 

What was your biggest challenge keeping you from achieving those goals? 

“The biggest challenge I faced was trying to do everything on my own. I came to realize if I was ever going to succeed, I needed a coach and a program to progress.” 

Did you try anything in the past to achieve your goals that didn’t work?

“I worked out on my own for years and would cherry pick workouts. I would pull CrossFit workouts from the old Games or Opens or just from instagram, if I thought they looked fun or I knew I could do them. While I got in better shape, I didn’t get any better at the things I really needed to work on.” 

What are your goals now?

“My goals are still fitness related and all mostly involve gymnastic movements. Once you master one, there’s always a new skill to learn!”

How do you feel CrossFit Artifact is helping you reach your goals?

“The quality of coaching at Artifact is some of the best and has done wonders for me. The workouts also push me outside my comfort zone regularly and have naturally made me more well rounded. I’m doing things now that I never thought I’d be able to do.” 

What is your favorite thing about CrossFit Artifact?

“Hands down, the people are the best thing about the gym.” 

What is your favorite lift OR what has been your favorite workout

“I love anything with a barbell so it’s a tie between Grace and DT for my favorite.” 

What was the most rewarding moment you’ve experienced at the gym?

“I feel like I’m rewarded everyday I show up. Between the friendships I’ve made, the great experiences I’ve had, and the progress I’ve made, going to the gym is the best part of my day everyday.”


We are so thankful that Rachel chose Artifact as her gym!

It’s a New Year and the time to set goals for yourself. If one of those goals is to make a change to better your health, let’s chat!

We make it easy. Our coach-led classes are just 60 minutes! You can walk through the door and get your warm-up, workout, and cool-down checked off your list.

CrossFit works for everyone, regardless of age or current fitness level. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned athlete, there’s something here for you.

Check us out! We’d love to have you and can’t wait to see you here!

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