What’s up, Artifact Fam! Coach Cam here!
I wanted to hop on here and talk about how I got into CrossFit and how, even if you’re completely new to the sport like I was, you too can become an athlete and the best version of yourself through classes at CrossFit Artifact!
I was introduced to CrossFit in the spring of 2016 and have been hooked ever since. My brother-in-law
and his little brother were avid CrossFitters and I was instantly intrigued by the variety of different skills
one can learn from CrossFit style workouts.
I can remember the first time I attempted a Power Clean. I video-taped myself thinking, “Hey, I don’t look too bad doing this!” Man, was I dead wrong! Looking back, I can now see the poor bar path, muted hip, and massive lack of shoulder mobility (something I still struggle with).
I thought to myself, “Will I ever get better?”
“Can I do the same movements that the games athletes do?”
I soon realized that failure isn’t the end. Failure is just the beginning!

Sometimes we feel set back if we miss a lift, or we don’t finish a workout. Maybe we miss a couple days at the gym and we think we’ve fallen into a rut that is impossible to get out of.
I’m here to tell you that those are just the beginning steps to becoming a great CrossFitter. I know it can be easier said than done for some. Maybe you’ve never tried a CrossFit WOD (Workout of the Day), maybe you used to exercise, but fell out of routine, or maybe you’ve never even set foot in a gym!
I get it! It can be scary. It can be intimidating. I had a background in weightlifting, so adapting to the
CrossFit Methodology came a little easier, but for some, seeing some crazy movements like muscle-ups,
thrusters, and handstand push-ups can be very daunting!
If you’re brand new to the sport like I was, I encourage you to jump in full force. You won’t regret it!
Best of all, at CrossFit Artifact, you would be joined by some of the best and most genuine people in the
world. Like I said in my opening statement, Artifact is a family. I have been a part of the Artifact family
since we opened our doors in July of 2021. The coaches at CrossFitArtifact are one of a kind.
Even if you ARE new to CrossFit, or you just need that boost to kick it back into gear, the constant encouragement from both the coaches and members is unmatched. There’s just something different about grinding out a workout with a class full of people that are doing the same workout as you are. The
competitive atmosphere that a group of people creates paired with the camaraderie of a team is just an added bonus.
One final thought:
I know everyone wants to smash that RX button at the end of the workout, but if you’re just getting started in your fitness journey, or you’re a seasoned veteran to exercise but have never tried CrossFit, come into each workout with an open mind. Know that even if you don’t do the weight or movements as prescribed, you can still get a great workout.
I’ll be transparent that when I first started CrossFit classes, I too wanted to hit that RX button every time and when I didn’t, I became discouraged because I thought I wasn’t working as hard as some of the other people in the gym.
I can attest that, even as a coach, there are still workouts that I scale and many movements that
I am not proficient at (yet!).
That’s okay! It gives me something to work toward every day! Striving every day to get that much better is part of the drive that keeps me coming back for more! We might not feel like we are making progress in the beginning, but give it time, you’ll soon see the rewards for your hard efforts!

I hope this was encouraging and helpful to those that might be hesitant to give CrossFit a try, or those that might be discouraged by those workouts that they can’t RX just yet.
Hang on and hang in there! Your time is coming very soon! Keep the main thing the main thing and improve every day! Showing up is half the battle. The rest is mental!
Coach Cam out!