Bring a Friend Week begins June 27th!
We are SO excited for this event! I’m sure everyone can agree that working out with friends is SO much more fun.
During Bring a Friend Week, you’ll have the opportunity to invite as many friends as you’d like to as many classes as you’d like!
If you’re anything like us, you may have found that inviting a friend to a CrossFit class doesn’t always result in them showing up. Trying out a new gym and new workout routine can be super intimidating. WE know there’s nothing to be afraid of, but someone who has never stepped foot in a CrossFit box may not.
Bring a Friend Week is the perfect time for everyone to give CrossFit a try. Here are a few excellent reasons why we believe this week is THEIR week:
- There will be a LOT of new people in class.
We’ve all been there. You walk into a new place knowing no one. Everyone seems to know everyone else. Everyone knows where to find all the things…think bathrooms, warm up equipment, water fountains, etc. Everyone seems super confident to be there. And then there’s you…the “newbie”.
Bring a Friend Week brings everyone together in that there will be multiple “newbies” in each class. The commonality of experiencing something new with others makes that first CrossFit class a little less scary.
- The workouts will be planned with new friends in mind.
If you’ve been at our box for longer than a day, you know that CrossFit is infinitely scaleable, meaning ANYONE and EVERYONE can walk in and get in the same great workout, regardless of their fitness background or level of skill. Between partner workouts and fun individual workouts, we are confident your friends will leave on a positive note, ready to take on the next day.
- Your friends can come to any class whether you’re there or not.
Schedules are crazy for everyone. We know there may be a friend or two who is unable to attend the same class you’re attending. This is absolutely NO problem! You don’t have to be there for a friend to attend class during Bring a Friend Week!
- Your friends can come to as many classes as they want to.
During Bring a Friend Week, your friends will have the opportunity to work out with us for an entire week so they get a feel for everything at our box.
- Signing up is super easy! Your friends can reserve their class(es) HERE:
- You can bring as many friends as you want.
You invited your friend, but your cousin wants to check it out…and your brother…and your other friend doesn’t want to miss out. During Bring a Friend Week, the more the merrier! Bring one friend or bring TEN friends…it’s all good!
- There are still thirteen days to invite your friends.
With almost two full weeks to go before the start of this event, you have plenty of time to spread the word, and your friends have plenty of time to check their schedules and mark their calendars.
- This is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of our Refer a Friend program.
We are so pumped for this week and can’t wait to see everyone, make a lot of new friends, and have an absolute blast!