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I realized something very cool and profound last week as I was looking at my very full schedule and feeling a bit overwhelmed by the craziness.

I’m SURROUNDED with the most amazing people.

It’s a busy time of year for me. I’m a professional photographer and it’s busy season. On top of that, I coach multiple classes a week (shout out to my 4:30 and 5:30 peeps), homeschool my four kids, and try to keep my house looking like something other than a dumpster fire. It’s busy.

I don’t say any of this to make it sound like my life is harder than anyone else’s. A wise woman once told me, “we all have full plates, just with different menus”, and she’s right. We’re all busy, and it’s a chaotic time of year for everyone.

As I was wallowing in what seemed a bit like self pity over the misfortune of my overbooked month, I got a text. Then another, and another.

“Missed you in class!”

“Hi! I hope your day is going well!”

“I’m sorry you’re overwhelmed. Hope you get some rest!”

Let me make it clear that I’m not saying any of this for pity. I want to point out that the thing that stood out to me as my phone started blowing up was the amazing friendships I’ve formed over the past two years.

If I could say one thing about CrossFit that I think everyone needs to hear, it’s that this group of people become family.

It happens almost overnight.

What starts as a group of people working out together for an hour a few times a week turns into this amazing support system.

Not only has CrossFit changed the way I look, feel, eat, carry myself, and function; it’s changed how I do life.

There were many years where I didn’t have a strong group of men and women (outside of my family) who checked in on me, laughed with me, cried with me, and did life with me. I think that makes me all the more grateful for what I’ve found in these amazing people.

We do life together.

What starts as workout partners at the gym turns into friendships outside the CrossFit box.

CrossFit is so much more than a one hour workout a few times a week.

There’s something really special about completing a CrossFit WOD (workout of the day) with your fellow athletes. It builds camaraderie. We’re all working toward the goal of improving our health and wellness. For us, CrossFit is the tie that binds.

You can go to a lot of different places and activities to meet new people, and a lot of times, you’ll find what you’re looking for. But here? I can almost guarantee it.

Bring a Friend Week is back next week. From Monday, October 16th through Saturday, October 21st, you can come to as many CrossFit classes as you’d like for free.

There isn’t a better way to see for yourself what our Artifact community has to offer.

Not only will you get to trial our classes, you’ll meet our coaches, see what CrossFit is all about, and meet all of our amazing athletes. If you don’t have a friend at CrossFit Artifact yet, I really think you’ll end the week with one!

What’s holding you back? The decision to give CrossFit a try might be the start of something really amazing. This could be exactly what you’ve been looking for.

We genuinely can’t wait to see you here!

Sharing is caring!

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